I interviewed a teacher in the Preschool on campus. I have been taught by him before, and think he is a wonderful teacher. I asked him the following questions about his classroom technology:
1. What technology is available in his classroom?
2. What technology did he wish he had in the classroom?
3. How does he use technology to get ideas and prepare for lesson and class material?
4. What technology has he used with the kids that really got their attention?
In regards to the technology available in his classroom, he said that they were equipped with digital cameras, CD players, overhead cameras for recording students, and a class computer.
He explained that most of the technology used in class was for the teachers. His reason for not having computers for the kids and other technologies available to them for the most part in class was that kids in his class are not new to technology. He explained that many of them, even at the age of 4, already know how to text and use their i pods! Because of the resources that are already available to them at home, including family computers, he feels that he can use further activities to stimulate their minds.
Though the children do not use technology often in his class, he does wish he could have an LCD player in the room so that he could download pictures taken in class of the kids, and show the pictures to them on the LCD player.
He personally uses technology frequently to help with preparations for project work. He explained that the Internet for him, is full of an immense amount of resources that helps him retrieve pictures, ideas, etc., for project work.
For my last question, I asked what technology the kids have used in his class that they have enjoyed. He explained that they had once given the kids the digital camera to take pictures while they were, I believe, on a field trip. This allowed them to capture images that they found interesting. This gave the teachers a chance to view the experience from a child's perspective.
It is amazing how much technology has changed, even over the last 5 years! There are so many resources that are available that can assist in making lessons more exciting and learning, that much more valuable.